Cerno Bioscience Technology for Mass Spectrometry Software

GC/ID Expert System: Analyze GC/MS Runs in Minutes…Not Hours

GC/ID is an advanced, vendor-agnostic software solution that enhances the performance of your GC/MS library search and compound identification process. It is designed to validate the search results automatically, resulting in dramatically improved ID accuracy and efficiency. With GC/ID, you can expect a more streamlined and accurate workflow, leading to rapid and confident outcomes in your research and analysis.


Your GC/MS technology breakthrough: GC/ID for all your compound analysis needs

Introducing GC/ID 5.1! 

Improve efficiency and save time for science with GC/ID, a powerful and fully automated application that provides quick and accurate identification, confirmation, and quantitation of both Target and unknown compounds.

Did you know that in some cases, instrument vendor software may incorrectly identify up to 25% of the compounds in a run using library search alone?

Yes, you are not alone. So why spend hours on your GC/MS data analysis, when you can now do your routine analysis in just minutes with greater accuracy than ever before?

GC/ID Expert System: Fully Automated and Highly Confident GC/MS Compound ID makes everyone an expert.

  • Automate your workflow and save valuable time.
  • Improve the accuracy and confidence in your results.
  • A Vendor-Neutral Solution, our patented technology works with all instrument data from any GC/MS vendor.

Challenges with Library Search

Despite its huge popularity, library search results are often ambiguous and in some instances can fail to produce any useful results. This is due to several reasons, including unresolved chromatographic peaks (mixtures), column bleed and background interferences, the spectral similarity of closely related compounds, or the absence of the compound in the library. As a result, it’s essential to explore alternative search strategies to ensure you get the results you’re looking for rapidly and with confidence.

Built in Analytical Expertise

Confident Unknown ID typically requires a high degree of user expertise and can be tedious and time-consuming.  Typical tools available to the analyst to address these challenges include:


Accurate high confidence results.

Composite Scoring™ combines library search, RI matching, accurate mass formula confirmation, and advanced deconvolution of each and every peak.

GC/ID is the only processing software that incorporates “Composite Scoring” in a fully automated system that is fast and easy to use, turning every analyst into an expert. The results are processed and presented in a way that enables any analyst to review and interpret runs in minutes instead of hours.

Unlock the full potential of your spectral analysis with GC/ID. Our advanced technology performs deconvolution and accurately identifies the peaks present. With Cerno’s “Magic Highlighter,” you can easily color-code your compounds and obtain a clear visual representation of your data. The IS, surrogate, and target compounds are highlighted in a vibrant green color and prepended with a prefix. Don’t settle for less – choose GC/ID for reliable and precise results.

Advanced Technologies 

Cerno has developed patented, innovative technologies that uniquely enable GC/ID to provide the most advanced and reliable solution to GC/MS unknown identification and quantification.  To learn more, click on the links below.

GC/ID V5.1 with NEW AutoRIX

Auto RI  – Full Retention Index calibration without standards!

AutoRIX – A robust and intelligent solution to RI calibration challenges

Accurate Mass   – The power of accurate mass formula ID for your quadrupole GC/MS

“Full Spectrum” Deconvolution –   A more robust and quantitively accurate deconvolution solution

Magic Highlighter  – Color Coded Confidence indicators accelerates the review process

Expert System: Save time and money.

Process data faster, saving time and skilled resources. Automated pre- and post-processing eliminates manual elements and frees the analyst for more important tasks. Don’t let GC/MS analysis hog your time!



GC/ID 5.1 Features

  • Enables non-n-alkane standards for RI Calibrations: Running a validation standard that could be used for automatic RI calibration? No problem with AutoRIX.
  • Manual Peak Editing: The new manual peak editor allows users with the ability to override automatic peak picking, adjust baselines, and modify spectral averaging regions, offering greater control over data analysis.
  • Enhanced User Interface: GC/ID 5.1 introduces an improved user interface experience, simplifying finding and setting of key parameters.
  • Targeted Analysis: The ability to mark and filter target compounds streamlines workflows and focuses analysis on compounds of interest.
  • User Library Expansion: Users can now seamlessly add spectra and RI data from their runs directly to a NIST User Library, facilitating the creation of custom libraries for specialized applications.
  • Performance and Stability Improvements: GC/ID 5.1 is a 64-bit application, resulting in faster operation (up to 70%) and enhanced stability.

Features and Benefits at a Glance

Vendor Agnostic Compatible with all GC/MS systems
Forward Search Uses industry-standard NIST library search
Reverse Search Used for automatic match quality check and mixture detection
Retention Index (RI) Match Confirms correct compound, eliminates incorrect matches
Auto or External RI Calibration Easy and flexible RI calibration with or without standards
Accurate Mass Formula Confirmation Additional compound confirmation, aids to ID compounds not in library
Full Spectrum Deconvolution Minimizes false spectral matches and resolves co-eluting compounds not solvable via traditional methods
Colored Highlighter Combines all the above metrics to identify the “True” answer
PDF/Excel Reports Easily create hyperlinked PDF reports or directly paste to Excel
Custom LIMS Report Powerful python scripting allows for easy and flexible LIMS integration
Python Scripting Customizable Python script can customize the product to your needs

Discover how our advanced GC/ID technology helped a leading non-profit water testing lab in analyzing extractables and leachables in their samples. This facility provides testing and certification for a wide variety of products including food, components of drinking water systems, water filters, commercial foodservice equipment, bottled water and nutritional supplements.

Explore our technology’s benefits for your laboratory with our successful case study. Our innovative solution not only streamlined their workflow and saved them time and money, but also produced highly accurate results. Learn more about this successful case study and the benefits of our technology for your laboratory.

Extractables and Leachables


National Water Testing Lab

Average 8,000 Samples Annually and Manually

A national water testing facility on average, processed 7-8,000 samples a year, which was a manually intensive process, requiring highly skilled domain experience. The analysts must know chromatography and mass spectrometry extremely well and understand the chemistry involved.  All samples require extensive evaluation and throughput is slow.

Testing Drinking Water Equipment

There were two primary drinking water standards: Standard 60 and Standard 61. While both standards use the same analysis, Standard 61 specifically focuses on extractables and leachables.

Water system components undergo conditioning for several days as per Standard 61. After that, they are exposed to the test water, which is collected and then tested for a variety of target compounds. The samples are also analyzed using a modified version of EPA 625 through GCMS scans for unknown and tentatively identified compounds.


  • 7-8,000 samples evaluated annually by a team of 3-4 scientists
  • The established workflow was tedious, with analysts manually combing through spectra and chromatograms, evaluating every chromatographic peak individually. One by one
  • “Dirty” samples could sometimes take hours or even days to process, with hundreds of unknown peaks
  • Reviewing complex matrices for co-elutions or other chromatographic interferences required intensively trained analysts and lengthy data review
  • Once identified, quantitation was also tedious and manual
  • Report generation and LIMS integration were done with a complex Excel macro that was difficult to maintain
  • Delays created long sample backlogs.

Additional Challenges

  • Average sample processing time estimated at 30-40 minutes
  • Limited staff available
  • Years of highly skilled training required
  • Difficult and costly to replace staff
  • Process could not be implemented in other labs/regions
  • Assignments often required judgment calls based on skill and experience


Time Savings, Workflow Automation, Confident Results

GC/ID Version 5.0 Solution

The new GC/ID platform has made the process faster, saving time, skilled resources, and removed our backlog. Pre and postprocessing eliminates the manual elements of the process and presents only relevant information to the analyst. Most of the analyses can be performed by chemists with less rigorous training, allowing specialists to focus on difficult/complex matrices..

  • GC/ID chosen as the vendor-neutral platform
  • Compatible with all commercial GC/MS systems
  • Fully automates peak deconvolution and quantitation
  • Provides superior identification confidence by combining library search, retention index (RI), and accurate mass validation in an automated full-run analysis
  • Modern Python scripting allowed for fast and easy NSF specified customizations to be delivered ahead of schedule


  • Samples processed as they are run. No backlog
  • Complex samples processed within 3-4 hours instead of days
  • With automatic deconvolution and composite scoring, the report is 90% done by the time the analyst reviews it
  • Estimate half of the samples run are clean. 80% have three or four TICs. These can be evaluated instantly by analysts with less training
  • Dirty samples still require work, using GC/ID will identify what’s  captured; it will take just minutes.

Discover More

Unlock the full potential of GC/ID software today by scheduling a demo and witness how this cutting-edge technology can revolutionize your workflow and improve your results.

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