sCLIPS+ – Scan-by-Scan Spectral Accuracy of Ultra HiRes Orbitrap LC/MS Formula ID
Testimonial – U Madrid
“MassWorks has proven itself on our GC/MSD system for accurate mass measurements and unknown formula ID. When applied to...
Determination of Ligand Number and Distribution in Intact Protein Conjugates with High Mass MALDI-TOF-MS
Publication Angewandte Chemie Aleman
Visible Light Photocatalytic Intramolecular Cyclopropane Ring Expansion
JACS Erik Jansson Richard Zare Stamford
Rapid Hydrogen−Deuterium Exchange in Liquid Droplets
Pittcon2017 Poster
Towards More Robust, Accurate, and Automated GC/MS Compound ID
ACS Catalysis Newman Group Organic Synthesis
A Cross-Coupling Approach to Amide Bond Formation from Esters