NIST MS Libraries and Software

The new NIST23 libraries are now available in both NIST format and Agilent PBM format

Cerno Bioscience is an official distributor of the NIST MS libraries and the NIST search software.  The new NIST23 has the largest increase in coverage EVER!  The new NIST GC/MS EI libraries set the industry standard for quality with almost 394,054 compounds, updated with nearly 40,000 new compounds for NIST and retention index information has also seen a similar growth.  One particularly exciting feature is the addition of highly accurate retention index (RI) data, which is calculated using an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) model.  This means that every compound in the NIST library now has RI data for non-polar columns.  This is particularly exciting for GC/ID users as the new AI RI data is fully supported!  New compounds cover a variety of areas of analytical interest including Metabolites, Flavor/Fragrances, Drugs, Forensics and more. The MS/MS library now contains over 51,000 compounds, including biologically relevant peptides, almost double the previous version.  The NIST search software is included and provides some of the most advanced search algorithms for qualitative analysis.  Cerno’s GC/ID integrates these advanced algorithms directly for the highest-quality search results.  GC/ID requires NIST format libraries.

Also, consider updating your old NIST libraries to the new and improved 2023 collection.  This is an affordable way to increase the quality of your analysis.

Bundled Retention Time Library and Software

As an added bonus, when you purchase or upgrade your NIST library, we include the NIST RI (Retention Time) software and RI database for free upon request. This software allows you to have flexible RI search options such as the RI range and flexible structure search options to assist in solving difficult unknown identifications, making it the perfect complement to NIST Search. And for the most powerful GC/MS identification software, use the new NIST23 libraries with Cerno’s GC/ID. Our GC/ID automatically combines RI and spectral search matches for confident unknown identification, ensuring you have the most reliable and comprehensive data possible. Cerno can now offer NIST23 libraries in Agilent PBM format at great prices for direct integration into ChemStation or MassHunter software.

For more information or a quote, please contact us at

Available NIST libraries, call or email for current pricing (our prices are very aggressive!):

For more information on NIST libraries, follow the links below:

NIST 2023 EPA/NIH EI-MS Library Release 

NIST 2023 Tandem MS Library


NIST Libraries and Software

(For Wiley libraries, click here)

Library Code Library Description
NIST23 NIST23 Library, EI of 394,054 Compounds. 51,501 Tandem MS, 153,000 compounds RI.  Includes search and additional software tools
NIST23 NIST23 Library plus Agilent Format
NISTTM23 NIST23 Tandem MS Database only with Search Program
NISTGC23 NIST23 GC Method / Retention Index Database only with Search Program
NISTUP23 NIST Library Upgrade to 2023
NIST23UP+ NIST Library Upgrade to 2023 plus Agilent Format