News and Events

  • March 1-5, 2025

    Visit Cerno’s presentation and get a 30-day free trial license!

    🚀up to 100X identification improvement of any benchtop Mass Spec (GC/MS, LC/MS) – let us prove it, for free💵

    Be the hero in your lab by enhancing your benchtop Mass Spec!
    Claim your complimentary 30-day trial!

    Join us:
    ⚛️for engaging presentations
    👀visit booth 1911
    🎓or connect at the Learning Lab. We can’t wait to see you!

    Cerno Bioscience will attend the upcoming Pittcon 2025 Conference and Exhibition on  March 1-5  in Boston, MA, Booth #1911. Cerno will be giving some exciting presentations on new areas of research and product development, including:

    “Unknown-Unknown Analysis: Strategies for Identifying Compounds Not in Libraries Using Single Quadrupole GC/MS”
    PDF of Presentation Monday, March 3, 2025 at 10:40 AM to 11:00 AM  | Room 205B

    “Automating GC Retention Index Calibration to Enable more Confident GC/MS Search”
    (PDF of Presentation) Monday, March 3, 2025 at 11:00 AM  | Room 205B

    “Elemental Composition Determination of Unknown Organometallic Compounds with Mass Spectral Accuracy”
    (PDF of Presentation) Monday, March 3, 2025 at 3:40PM | Room 108

    Learning LabAccelerating the GC/MS Workflow for Non-Target Analysis
    Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 1:30PM


    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 23-27, 2025

    Cerno Bioscience will be presenting at the annual ACS Spring conference, March 23-27.

    Sunday, March 23, 2025 | 8:10 PM – 8:35 PM EDT | Room: Hall B-1, Room 3 (San Diego Convention Center)
    Mass spectral analysis of organic/inorganic compounds containing metals: Challenges and possible solution” – presented by Yongdong Wang, Ph.D.
    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 1-5, 2025

    Cerno Bioscience will attend the upcoming ASMS 2024 Conference and Exhibition on June 1-5 in Baltimore, Maryland Booth #121.   We have some exciting new products to show, including SAMMI, an entirely new approach for analyzing any large molecule, including peptides, oligos, and proteins.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • January 8, 2025

    A webinar sponsored by Astrix   

    Date: January 8th, 2025

    Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST

    Presented by: Benjamin Johnson, Manager, NSF | Yongdong Wang, President, Cerno Bioscience

    registration button gray


    NSF International provides services to certify the safety of drinking water equipment (NSF/ANSI 61).  With 7000-8000 samples evaluated every year, the deconvolution, identification, and quantitation of Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs) can require hours (for “clean” samples) to days (“dirty” samples) of tedious manual review from a team of four or more highly trained experts.  A sample backlog of up to six months was not uncommon, and hiring and training additional analysts was a lengthy and expensive process.  To complicate the problem further, multiple worldwide sites used different instrumentation, and some lacked the expertise to analyze the more complex samples.

    To solve this problem, the search for a vendor-neutral software solution was needed to:

    • Reduce the level of “expertise” required for the analysis
    • Accelerate the analysis time for each sample
    • Seamlessly integrate reporting and analysis with in-house LIMS systems

    After an extensive review of available commercial software solutions, it was decided to use two commercial software products to address the problems: Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ CDS 7.3 for the quantitation of target compounds and Cerno Bioscience GC/ID™ 5.0 for the identification and semi-quantitation of TICs. GC/ID provided dramatically improved TIC identification through its use of a composite scoring system of unknown compounds that combine conventional Forward and Reverse Library Search, comprehensive Retention Index (RI) matching, and accurate mass/spectral accuracy formula validation key ions/fragments (on single quadrupole analyzers).

    In addition, an automated spectral deconvolution process eliminated the previous peak-by-peak manual deconvolution necessary for complex samples with many coeluting peaks.  A custom Python™ script fully automated the previous manual NSF analysis process, which is projected to eliminate the six month sample backlog.  The review process was greatly simplified, minimizing the need for highly trained expert analysts. Both software solutions can accept data from different GC/MS systems located globally and can be seamlessly integrated into the corporate LIMS system to efficiently generate internal and external customer reports, saving time while reducing errors. This presentation will describe the current state of the system being implemented by Astrix in detail.

    In this webinar, we will explore

    • Why vendor-neutral software solutions are vital for global operations.
    • How analysis tools should be as easy to learn and automate as possible to reduce training costs and minimize human error.
    • Understand why simplifying and automating the expertise needed for review and interpretation is essential to lessen reliance on scarce and costly experienced analysts.
    • Why LIMS interfacing must be flexible, easy to implement, and robust.

    About NSF

    Since 1944, NSF has stood at the forefront of global efforts to improve human and planet health. As an independent, internationally recognized organization, we play a pivotal role in the development of robust public health standards. Comprising a dedicated standards team and a team of service professionals, we employ a multi-faceted approach. NSF engages in the rigorous testing, auditing, and certification of an array of products and services. The NSF mark serves as an emblem of assurance, signifying to consumers, retailers, and regulatory bodies that our certified products meet or exceed requisite standards.

    Our world-renowned staff of auditors, engineers, microbiologists, toxicologists, chemists, and public health experts provides services in 110 countries across all major industries. Our ISO/IEC 17025-accredited, state-of-the-art global laboratories offer a wide range of testing, certification, and technical services as well as human health risk assessments. Additionally, NSF is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Food Safety, Water Quality and Medical Device Safety.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Nov 19-20, 2024

    Cerno Bioscience will attend the Allotrope Connect Meeting in Boston

    We look forward to meeting the Allotrope attendees 19-20 November in Boston, Massachusetts!

    Check out the agenda: View the Program Agenda


    Cerno Bioscience
  • Nov 13-14, 2024

    Extractables & Leachables West 2024
    Ensuring Quality, Safety, Suitability and Regulatory Compliance for Drugs, Biologics and Medical Devices

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Nov 4-6, 2024

    Cerno Bioscience will be attending the upcoming Smithers Extractables and Leachables event in Vienna, Austria 4-6 Nov.


    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 3, 2024


    Cerno Bioscience Unveils New Suite of Mass Spectrometry Software Solutions

    Media Contact:
    Michelle C. Sharron
    Vice President of Marketing
    Cerno Bioscience
    1180 N Town Center Dr, Suite 100
    Las Vegas, NV 89144

    Cerno Bioscience Unveils New Suite of Mass Spectrometry Software Solutions

    LAS VEGAS, Nevada (June 2, 2024) – Cerno Bioscience will unveil a new suite of vendor-neutral mass spectrometry software solutions at ASMS booth #229, June 2-6, 2024, Anaheim, California. SAMMI™ (for Spectrally Accurate Modeling of Multiply charged Ions), an entirely new approach for analyzing any large molecule, including peptides, oligos, and proteins, the new GC/ID™ Version 5.0 software for GC/MS, which Accelerates Unknown Compound Identification and the latest version of its award-winning MassWorks™ Version 7.0 mass spectrometry research grade software.

    Cerno will showcase SAMMI, a revolutionary new tool for large-molecule analysis that provides a 30X improvement in large-molecule characterization. SAMMI can confirm sequences/formulas, including multiple modifications and isotope labels, regardless of the molecule size. Users can expect 10-50X improvements in mass accuracy on single or triple quadrupole instruments.

    GC/ID is a fully automated and vendor-agnostic software to achieve the most comprehensive identification beyond GC/MS Library Search, a powerful market-first solution. GC/ID accelerates the unknown ID workflow and dramatically improves the confidence of results. Featuring many innovative technologies, including patented “Full Spectrum” deconvolution and a powerful “Composite Scoring” system combining Library Search, Retention Index, and Accurate Mass (on quadrupoles). This provides for more accurate and confident unknown identification over solutions relying solely on Library Search scores.

    MassWorks 7.0 is an easy-to-use post-acquisition software solution to achieve high mass accuracy and high spectral accuracy. This research-grade software provides the most advanced tools for unknown formula ID on both low and high-resolution MS instruments. Users can expect high mass accuracy on quadrupole GC or LC/MS (up to 0.005Da) and improved spectral accuracy on all systems up to 99.9%. MassWorks provides direct and accurate analysis of unresolved mixtures, e.g., isotope labeling and biologics modifications.  

    Cerno will give two ASMS poster presentations. on Wednesday, June 5th, in partnership with Agilent Technologies, “Accurate mass spectral deconvolution of multiply-charged oligonucleotides using unit resolution single quadrupole LC/MS.” Followed by Thursday, June 6th, “Reducing the Pain Point of GC Retention Index Calibration for Enhanced GC/MS Compound Identification”.

    For more information, please contact Cerno Bioscience at, call +1 203-312-1150, or visit


    About Cerno Bioscience

    For over 20 years, our passion has been developing advanced mass spectrometry software technology to dramatically improve the accuracy of MS data.  Our patented and proprietary technologies enable our customers to accelerate their workflows and reduce costs while providing more confident answers.

    For the first time, we can now accurately correct the MS signal to enable new solutions for more confident analysis of both small and large molecules.  The analysis of complex mixtures such as labeled isotopes, large molecule adducts, and various modifications are easily and confidently unraveled and quantified.  The technology applies to all MS instrumentation, from routine benchtops to state-of-the-art high-resolution instruments.

    Copyright 2024 Cerno Bioscience LLC. All rights reserved. Cerno Bioscience is a registered trademark and MassWorks, SAMMI, GC/ID, are trademarks of Cerno Bioscience





    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 2-6, 2024

    Cerno Bioscience will attend the upcoming ASMS 2024 Conference and Exhibition on June 2-6 in Anaheim, California Booth #229.   We have some exciting new products to show, including SAMMI, an entirely new approach for analyzing any large molecule, including peptides, oligos, and proteins.

    New! Click here for the Poster PDF
    Wednesday, June 5 | LC/MS: Chromatography and Software | 480-492
    WP 480
     – Abstract title: Accurate mass spectral deconvolution of multiply-charged oligonucleotides using unit resolution single quadrupole LC/MS: Patrick M Batoon1; Lee Bertram2; Yongdong Wang3; 1Agilent Technologies Inc.,  Santa Clara, CA; 2Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA; 3 Cerno Biosciences,  Las Vegas, NV

    New! Click here for the Poster PDF
    Thursday, June 6 | GC/MS: Instrumentation and Applications | 326-364
    ThP 350: Abstract title: Reducing the Pain Point of GC Retention Index Calibration for Enhanced GC/MS Compound Identification: Don Kuehl1; Stacey C. Simonoff2; Yongdong Wang2; 1Cerno Bioscience, Las Vegas, NV; 2Cerno Biosciences, Las Vegas, NV



    Cerno Bioscience
  • April 18-19, 2024

    Cerno Bioscience is once again proud to sponsor the upcoming Extractables & Leachables East 2024 conference, April 18-19 in Philadelphia, PA.  Stay tuned for more information!

    Extractables & Leachables West 2024

    April 24, 2024—It was great connecting with everyone at the PharmEd Extractables and Leachables event last week!

    Let’s stay connected and feel free to download the NSF Case Study Presentation “Accelerating GC/MS E&L Analysis with Advanced Software Analysis Tools“.

    Click here to learn more about Cerno’s GC/ID vendor-neutral software solution that enhances the performance of your GC/MS library search and compound identification process.


    Cerno Bioscience
  • February 24-28, 2024

    Cerno Bioscience will attend the upcoming Pittcon 2024 Conference and Exhibition on  February 24-28  in San Diego, CA, Booth #2922. Cerno will be giving some exciting presentations on new areas of research and product development, including:

    2/26/2024 Press Release: Cerno Bioscience GC/MS Software Accelerates Unknown Compound Identification at Pittcon with GC/ID Version 5.0

    2/27/2024 Press Release: Cerno Bioscience Unveils New Suite of Mass Spectrometry Software Solutions

    DemoZone | Retention Index Made Easy for GC/MS Unknown Compound ID (Download PDF)
    Monday, February 26, 2024 4:00 PM
    Unknown compound analysis is an important part of science that has been around for many years. To identify a compound, we can use many different tools. Some of these key tools include GC/MS. The process of unknown compound identification (ID) can be grueling, and retention index (RI) has been shown to provide valuable additional and, oftentimes, much-needed orthogonal information. Unfortunately, accurate RI calibration in practice usually requires multiple steps, such as separate external standard (e.g., alkane series) injection and repeated injection whenever the temperature programming changes. To make matters worse, most software tools that come with commercial GC/MS systems are either tedious to use or involve manual steps. This show-and-tell demo will demonstrate an easy and seamless way for GC/MS unknown compound ID by combining spectral library search with automated retention index generation (AutoRI). This could even be accomplished without the need for a separate set of RI calibration standards or a separate injection step. By validating the library search via both forward and reverse search and then eliminating incorrect matches using a graphical RI trend model, we can generate the RI values for all GC peaks in a run automatically with high confidence, as long as there are enough number of compounds that could be confidently identified from the sample run itself. We will show how Auto RI compared to conventional RI using numerous examples, e.g., extractables and leachables (E&L) analysis, flavor and fragrances, and natural products, including essential oils

    Accelerating the GC/MS Workflow for Non-Target Analysis” (Download PDF)
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 11:00 AM to 11:20 AM · 20 min. (America/Vancouver) | Room 30C

    Improving Intact Mass Analysis of Large Molecules with Single Quadrupole MS through Spectrally Accurate Charge Deconvolution” (Download PDF)
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 4:00 PM to 4:20 PM · 20 min. (America/Vancouver) | Room 30E

    Cerno Bioscience
  • December 13, 2023

    Cerno Bioscience GC/MS Software Accelerates Unknown Compound Identification

    Read full press release: CernoBioscienceGCID5.0




    Cerno Bioscience
  • November 2-3, 2023

    Cerno Bioscience is once again proud to sponsor the upcoming Extractables & Leachables West 2023 conference, November 2-3 in La Jolla, CA.  Stay tuned for more information!



    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 18-22, 2023

    Cerno Bioscience will be attending the upcoming ASMS 2023 Conference and Exhibition on June 4-8 in Houston, Booth #427.   We have some exciting new products to show including SAMMI, an entirely new approach for analyzing any large molecule including peptides, oligos, and proteins.  Here are some papers and demos you may be interested in:

    Extending the Concept of Spectral Accuracy to the Deconvolution of Multiply Charged Large Molecules“, Poster TP 524 Tuesday June 6.

    “A Novel Method for Automatically Calibrating GC Retention Index from MS Library Search Results“, Oral ThOH Thursday June 8, 3:50pm: Informatics: Innovations General Assembly C.

    Leveraging Python for Extending the Capability of MS Software Applications“, Poster MP 391 Monday June 5.


    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 18-22, 2023

    Cerno Bioscience will be attending the upcoming Pittcon 2023 Conference and Exhibition on  March 18-22  in Philadelphia, PA, Booth #2113.    Cerno will be giving some exciting presentations on new areas of research and product development including:

    Using Automated Retention Index and Library Search to Improve Unknown Compound ID with GC/MS
    Oral Session C17-02 8:50AM Mon, March 20 , 8:50am Room 118B

    Searching Mass Spectral Library to Solve Mixture Deconvolution Problem for GC/MS Unknown Analysis
    Oral Session C17-03 9:10AM Mon, March 20 , 8:50am Room 118B

    Also, come see us in the exhibit hall at the DemoZone and LearningLab areas for these informative presentations:

    DemoZone: Tuesday at 4PM “Retention Index Made Easy for GC/MS Unknown Compound ID

    LearningLab: Wednesday at 12PM “MS Software to Learn Isotopes, Isotope Distribution, and Elemental Composition Determination


    Cerno Bioscience
  • January 7, 2023

    GC/ID Version 4.0 has been released.  Read about this exciting product which can make quick work of  positive compound ID on single quad systems.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 5-9, 2022

    Cerno Bioscience will be attending the upcoming 70th Annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry June 5-9  in Minneapolis, MN, Booth #527.    Cerno will be giving some exciting presentations on new areas of research and product development including:

    Direct Determination of Elemental Isotope Abundance Ratios Using Spectral Accuracy with Single Quadrupole MS Systems
    Poster MP 459, Mon, Jun 06, 10:30am – 2:30pm (Central)

    Leveraging MS Search, Accurate Mass, and Retention Index Data with a Novel User Interface to Accelerate Qualitative GC/MS Sample Review
    Poster TP 141, Tue, Jun 07, 10:30am – 2:30pm (Central)

    Cerno Bioscience
  • July 7, 2020

    GC/ID Version 3.0 has been released.  Read about this exciting product which can make quick work of  positive compound ID on single quad systems.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Oct 31- Nov 4 2021

    Cerno Bioscience will be attending the upcoming 69th Annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry Oct 31 – Nov 4  in Philadelphia, PA Booth 614.    Cerno will be giving some exciting presentations on new areas of research and product development including:

    “Accurate Mass Profile Mode GC/MS Libraries: An Investigation into Alternative Search Strategies“, Oral Room 114 Mon Nov 1, 3:50 – 4:10PM EST.

    Full Spectral Confirmation of Multiply Charged RNA Molecules and Their Modifications with a Single Quadrupole LC/MS System“, Poster ThP 239 Thurs Nov 4, 10:30AM – 2:30PM EST.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • July 7, 2020

    GC/ID Version 2.0 has been released.  Read about this exciting product which can make quick work of  positive compound ID on single quad systems. See full Press Release.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • July 7, 2020

    MassWorks Version 6.1 has been released.  Read about the flagship software that dramatically improves formula ID for any Mass Spectrometer. See full Press Release.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 1-5, 8-12 2020

    ASMS 2020 Reboot – virtual conference.  Cerno Bioscience will be manning or Virtual Booth on Friday, June 5th from 1 – 5 PM EST.  Email us to request an invitation to “Zoom in” to learn about our exciting new product release, see live demos, and chat with us and your peers to ask questions and discuss your applications.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 11, 2020

    Cerno Bioscience is now an official distributor of both the NIST and Wiley MS libraries making us the one-stop-shop for all your MS library needs.  NIST20 is the affordable standard library that includes search software and over 300,000 compounds.  Wiley libraries are the largest available and include the Wiley Registry of almost 1,000,000 compounds plus a number of specialty libraries for drugs, pesticides, flavors and fragrances, and others.     Cerno’s own MassWorks Rx GC/ID works seamlessly with both NIST and Wiley libraries for the ultimate qualitative answer machine (NIST format only).


    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 1 – March 5, 2020

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at Pittcon2020 in Chicago, IL.  Stop by and visit us at Booth #4019 to see our revolutionary Next Generation software applications and learn how it can help solve your most difficult problems as well as save you time and money. Cerno will be presenting 2 papers a posters and a giving alive software demo of our new GC/ID Verson 1.1 software.

    The Concept of Effective Mass Accuracy for Unknown Identification – Sun Mar 1, Poster, 1:30-7:30PM Skyline Ballroom 6-2-6P

    Integrating Accurate Mass, Retention Time, Deconvolution, and Library Search for Fully Automated GC/MS Essential Oil Analysis – Mon, Mar 2, Oral, 2:10pm, W175B

    Live DemoAutomated and Highly Accurate GC/MS Identification of Essential Oils, Cannabis, and Extractables/Leachables – Wed Mar 4, Demo, 11:30am, Booth 1829 “Demo Zone II”

    Adding Accurate Mass Identification to LC/MS Triple Quadrupole System for Cannabis Analysis – Thurs, Mar 5, Oral, 4:05pm, W181B


    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 19, 2019 11am EDT

    Cerno Bioscience in partnership with LCGC will be presenting an on-demand webcast titled:

    “An Automated Software Solution for Highly Confident GC/MS Compound ID”

    Learn how to dramatically improve your single quad GC/MS compound identification results.  To register and find out more click here.


    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 2-7, 2019

    Cerno Bioscience will be presenting four posters at ASMS 2019 along with partners Agilent Technologies, Activated Research Company, and New York Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.

    A Direct Computational Approach to the Analysis of Multiply Charged Biomolecules and Their Modifications with Electrospray Mass Spectrometry –  Tuesday June 4, Poster TP 662 (New York Institute of Technology)

    Screening CBD Oil Pet Supplements for Mycotoxins using LC-MS Quadrupole System with Accurate Mass Calibration  – Wednesday June 5, Poster WP 173 (Agilent Technologies)

    Improving GC/MS Library Search on a Single Quadrupole Using Complementary and Orthogonal Metrics Within the Run – Wednesday June 5, Poster WP 313 (Cerno Bioscience)

    Automated and Simultaneous Identification and Quantification in Extractables and Leachables Analysis – Wednesday June 5, Poster WP 478 (Activated Research Company)


    Cerno Bioscience
  • April 12, 2019

    MassWorks was a key tool in the ability to identify novel new alkaloids from scorpion venom that have promise in the discovery of novel new pharmaceuticals.  Read the news in c&en or see the published article in Journal of Natural Products.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 2-6, 2019

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at ASMS 2019 in Atlanta, GA. Stop by and visit us at Booth #909 to see our new software applications for the accurate characterization of biologics and impurities, and GC/ID for improving your GC/MS qualitative analysis throughput.

    Cerno will demonstrate our new direct approach to the interpretation and analysis of multiply charged biomolecules which avoids the artifact-prone multiple charge deconvolution step.  This ground breaking software eliminates the uncertainties of other approaches and provides quantitative information on impurities as well.

    GC/ID is fully automated and can process an entire run including NIST search, accurate mass molecular ion and fragment ID, retention time index calculation and report generation.  GC/ID also introduces a revolutionary, automated peak mixture detection and deconvolution algorithm which can help solve your most difficult problems as well as save you time and money.

    MassWorks 5.0 will also be exhibited.  The vendor neutral desktop application enables Formula ID on conventional quadrupole LC and GC systems by improving the mass accuracy to +/- 5mDa and Spectral Accuracy to >99%.  Cerno will also be demonstrating it’s mixture deconvolution software enabling accurate analysis of impurities and degradants for both large and small molecules on both low and high resolution instruments.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 17 – March 21, 2019

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at Pittcon2019 in Philadelphea, PA.  Stop by and visit us at Booth #3927 to see our revolutionary Next Generation software applications and learn how it can help solve your most difficult problems as well as save you time and money. Bioscience will be presenting a paper and two posters and a live software demo.

    Accurate Mass Confirmation/Identification for Organic Synthesis with Single Quadrupole Mass Spec – Sun Mar 17 Poster. Afternoon Room Pub 220-19 P

    Accurate Characterization of Biologics and Impurities by Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry and a Comparison to HiRes MS – Mon, Mar 18 Oral. 8:30am, 126A

    Live DemoImproving the Confidence of GC/MS Compound ID Using Accurate Mass and Automated Mixture Detection – Wed Mar 20 Demo 2:30pm.  Booth 3042 “Demo Zone”

    A Generalized Approach to the Deconvolution of Unresolved Chromatographic Peaks in Mass Spectrometry – Thurs, Mar 21 Poster 2PM-4:30PM. Expo floor 2110-1 P


    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 3-7, 2018

    Cerno Bioscience will be presenting an oral presentation and a poster at ASMS 2018 in San Diego, CA.

    Quadrupole GC/MS Fragment Analysis for Improving Compound Identification – Monday June 4, 9:30AM Oral, Session-GC/MS, GC/GC/MS, GC/MS/MS, AND GC/HRMS, Room – Ballroom 20D upper level.

    A New Approach to the Analysis of Unresolved Chromatographic Peaks in GC/MS – Tuesday June 5, Poster – TP 816.


    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 3-7, 2018

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at ASMS 2018 in San Diego, CA. Stop by and visit us at Booth #721 to see our revolutionary Next Generation software applications, MassWorks Rx and MassWorks Rx GC/ID.

    Rx is a powerful, configurable software platform for automated MS data processing using Cerno’s award winning, patented calibration technologies.  GC/ID is built on the Rx platform which dramatically improves GC/MS compound identification.

    GC/ID is fully automated and can process an entire run including NIST search, accurate mass molecular ion and fragment ID, and report generation.  GC/ID also introduces a revolutionary, automated peak mixture detection and deconvolution algorithm which can help solve your most difficult problems as well as save you time and money.

    MassWorks 5.0 will also be exhibited.  The vendor neutral desktop application enables Formula ID on conventional quadrupole LC and GC systems by improving the mass accuracy to +/- 5mDa and Spectral Accuracy to >99%.  Cerno will also be demonstrating it’s mixture deconvolution software enabling accurate analysis of impurities and degradants for both large and small molecules on both low and high resolution instruments.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • February 26 – March 1, 2018

    Cerno Bioscience will be presenting two papers and two posters at Pittcon2018 in Orlando, Florida.

    A Universal Work Flow Automation Toolbox for Mass Spectrometry – Sunday Feb 25 Poster.  3:30-7:30pm Valencia Ballroom D, W415

    Accurate Mass Identification of Pharmaceutical Impurities and Degradants with Single Quad LCMS – Monday Feb 26 Oral. 10:25 – 10:45am,  308D

    An Automated System for Validating and Enhancing GC/MS Library Search – Thu, Mar 01 Poster.  10:00am-12:00pm Exposition Floor, Aisles 2000-2700,1910-4

    A Robust Method for Ultra-High Resolution MS Elemental Composition Determination – Thu, Mar 01 Oral.  4:05-4:25pm 308A,

    Cerno Bioscience
  • February 26 – March 1, 2018

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at Pittcon2018 in Orlando, Florida.  Stop by and visit us at Booth #2223 to see our revolutionary Next Generation software applications and learn how it can help solve your most difficult problems as well as save you time and money.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 5, 2017

    Agilent Technologies announces availability of Cerno Bioscience MassWorks bundled with the new InfinityLab Series LC/MSD single quadrupole MS (see press release here).  Learn more on the Agilent website and review the Agilent application note and the Agilent brochure.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 13, 2017
    11 am EDT
    8 am PDT
    4 pm BST
    5 pm CEST

    Cerno Bioscience in collaboration with LCGC will be presenting a live Webcast titled: “The Application of Spectral Accuracy to Mass Spectrometry for Enhanced Formula ID and Mixture Analysis”

    Sign up today!

    Cerno Bioscience
  • June 4-8, 2017

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at ASMS2017 in Indianapolis, Indiana, booth #628.  Stop by and visit us.  Cerno will also be presenting 2 joint posters:

    WP 399 – Direct and Accurate LC/MS Quantitation of Ring Labeled Compounds

    WP 654 – Determination of Ligand Number and Distribution in Intact Protein Conjugates with High Mass MALDITOF-MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • April 28, 2017

    Cerno is now shipping MassWorks Version 5.0.  Dozens of new features including NIST Library search integration, complex mixture analysis, and much, much, more!

    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 5-9, 2017

    Cerno Bioscience presenting two papers and a poster at Pittcon2017 in Chicago, Illinois.  Our papers on Monday at 3:05PM room W177 (TP0740) and  Wednesday at 1:30PM room W478A (TP1980).  Our poster is on Sunday at 3:30-7:30PM at the Skyline Ballroom, West 375a (TP0220).

    Cerno Bioscience
  • March 5-9, 2017

    Cerno Bioscience will be exhibiting at Pittcon2017 in Chicago, Illinois.  Stop by and visit us at Booth #3824 to discuss your application.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • November 3, 2009

    Cerno Bioscience, Agilent Technologies to Co-Market MassWorks for GC/MSD.

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience
  • Cerno Bioscience