Conference Posters and Presentations

  • ASMS2008-2

    The Robustness of Formula Determination on a Single Quadrupole GC/MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-1

    Identification of Drug Metabolites by UPLC/MS with Isotope Pattern Directed Mass Chromatograms and UPLC with Radioactivity Flow Detection

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2007-5

    Automatic Generation of Extract ion Chromatogram for Mass Spectral Peaks with Specific Isotope Labeled Patterns

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2007-4

    Identification of “Unknowns” – Structural Clues from Advanced Isotope Peak Modeling of MS and Orthogonal MS/MS Data

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2007-3

    Accurate Mass Measurement Using Single Quadrupole GC/MS for Structure Elucidation of Unknowns

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2007-2

    Improving Mass Accuracy on a Unit Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2007-1

    Beyond Mass Accuracy: the Neglected Role of Spectral Accuracy in Mass Spectrometry

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2006-4

    Accurate Mass Measurements of Product Ions for Metabolite Identification on Unit Mass Resolution Mass Spectrometers

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2006-3

    Comparing Mass Defect Filtering and Accurate Mass Profile Extracted Ion Chromatogram (AMPXIC) for Metabolism Studies

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2006-2

    Processing Raw Mass Spectral Data for High Mass Accuracy

    Cerno Bioscience