GC/MS single quad

  • Appnote106

    GC/MSD Formula Determination for Forensic Chemistry

    Cerno Bioscience
  • AnalChemSA

    The Concept of Spectral Accuracy for MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2010-3

    Solvent/Sample Interaction in the GC/MS Analysis of Amines

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2009-3

    Confident Unknown Identification of SVOC Compounds by Combining NIST Library Search with Elemental Composition Determination

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2009-1

    Formula Determination and Relative Quantitation from Overlapping Ion Signals

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Publication First Responders

    Improving the Confidence of Unknown Compound Identification by First Responder Mobile GC–MS Laboratories…

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-8

    Bridging the Gap between Theoretical and Experimental Mass Spectrum

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-6

    Evaluation of Molecular Isotope Patterns for Elemental Composition Identification on a Unit Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-2

    The Robustness of Formula Determination on a Single Quadrupole GC/MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Appnote?

    What is “Spectral Accuracy”?

    Cerno Bioscience