
  • AnalChemSA

    The Concept of Spectral Accuracy for MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2010-2

    Adding Empirical Formula Rules to Accurate Mass and Exact Isotope Modeling for Elemental Composition Determination Modeling for Elemental Composition...

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2010-1

    Deconvolution of Isobaric Interference in ICP-MS by Peak Shape Calibration Technology

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2009-4

    Investigation of Isotope Patterns of Pharmaceutical Molecules by Two Independent Detectors in a LTQ/Orbitrap Instrument

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-8

    Bridging the Gap between Theoretical and Experimental Mass Spectrum

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-7

    Further Improving Elemental Composition Determination with FT ICR MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-6

    Evaluation of Molecular Isotope Patterns for Elemental Composition Identification on a Unit Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-5

    Comprehensive Investigation of Injection Time and Auto Gain Control on Ion Trap Instruments for LC/MS Application of Metabolite Identification

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2008-2

    The Robustness of Formula Determination on a Single Quadrupole GC/MS

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Appnote104

    Peak Shape Calibration and Formula Determination on an AccuTOF DART System

    Cerno Bioscience