MassWorks Rx is the prescription for improving your analytical results, increasing your productivity, reducing your costs, and saving you time. The Rx platform brings work flow automation and ease of configuration to an entirely new level. Unlike most vendor software, Rx is vendor agnostic. Rx transparently reads the native vendor data file format using Direct Read technology meaning that incorporating different vendor instruments into your workflow doesn’t mean starting all over again customizing the software. Rx makes available MassWorks award winning, patented calibration technology to enable formula ID and mixture analysis on unit resolution instruments while improving formula ID on high resolution instruments. Both small and large molecule analysis including accurate analysis of multiple charge state ions and degradation products can be performed as no other software can.
Rx us based Python, the powerful open source scientific programming language which allows not only access to Cerno technology, but the thousands of freely available tools from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. But Rx also works right out of the box with available Cerno targeted application packs such a GC/ID. Cerno will be launching a whole family of application packs for Rx for both large and small molecule analysis so stay tuned.
Find out more from the MassWorks Rx brochure or read our poster presentation from Pittcon2018.