Spectrally accurate quantitative analysis of isotope-labeled compounds
Direct Carbon Isotope Exchange through Decarboxylative Carboxylation (supporting information)
Direct and Accurate LC/MS Quantitation of Ring Labeled Compounds
Direct Quantitation of Complex Mixtures of Isotope Labeled Compounds
Direct and Accurate Quantitation of Labeled and Un-Labeled Ions with LC/MS
Investigation of complex isotope patterns of 13C-labeled plant metabolites by Mass Spectral Deconvolution
Accurate Quantitation of Low Level Degradation Impurity for Biologics
Identification of new minor metabolites of penicillin G in human serum by multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry.
Metabolite Identification Using a Unit Mass Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with Accurate Formula Identification and Mass Defect Filtering
Identification of Drug Metabolites by UPLC/MS with Isotope Pattern Directed Mass Chromatograms and UPLC with Radioactivity Flow Detection