• ASMS2014-2

    A Novel Approach for Quantitation of Hydrogen Deuterium Exchanged Peptides to Reveal Full Distribution of the Exchanged Species at...

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2014-1

    Identification of Co-eluted Components by High Mass Accuracy and Spectral Accuracy with Quadrupole GC-MS Systems

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Publication Canadian Forensic

    Identification of unknown compounds from quadrupole GC-MS data using Cerno Bioscience MassWorks™

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Appnote109

    AutoCal™: Fully Automated Calibration for Accurate Mass and High Spectral Accuracy

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Appnote108

    Exact MS Mixture Analysis for Hydrogen‐Deuterium Exchange

    Cerno Bioscience
  • Appnote107

    Accurate Quantitation of Low Level Degradation Impurity for Biologics

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2013-5

    Enabling Accurate Mass Elemental Composition Determination on a New Compact Mass Spectrometer – Application to detection and identification of...

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2013-4

    Accurate Quantitation of Deamidated Peptides by Mass Spectral Accuracy

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2013-3

    Exact and Quantitative Analysis of Deuterated Pyrene. A New Method for the Rapid, Convenient Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange of Polycyclic Aromatic...

    Cerno Bioscience
  • ASMS2013-2

    Accurate Mass Report Generation with Spectral Accuracy Isotope Scoring within a high throughput laboratory

    Cerno Bioscience