New Features for Version 6.0
- Agilent OpenLab File Support
MassWorks “Direct Read” technology now supports opening data directly from Agilent OpenLab version 2.4 or higher. OpenLab starting at version 2.4 now is capable of creating Profile Mode data which can be used in MassWorks for producing calibrated high mass/spectral accuracy data for unknown compound ID..
Currently, Profile mode data in OpenLab is supported only for LC/MS, NOT GC/MS systems. The OpenLab reader support requires Windows 7 SP1 or higher and fully supports Windows 10.
To open OpenLab data you must have the OpenLab reader enabled. This can be done by running the “MassWorks File Access & Reset” program located in the Cerno folder in your Start Menu. Use the MassWorks File/Open to navigate to the CDSProjects folder typically located on your “C:” drive. Navigate to the project folder where the data is located and then navigate to the Results folder. For example, C:CDSProjects”MyProject”Results and navigate to the run folder containing the data. Open the *.dx file within the folder that corresponds to the run of interest. You can also use the files on another computer by simply copying the entire run folder.
- More Robust Autocal ™
Autocal for Agilent GC/MS systems automatically creates a calibration when opening a file if the calibration gas was turned on at the end of the run. This highly convenient method of calibration is now more robust than ever and covers a broader range of instrument models and conditions.
- Formula Modifications now Allow Dimers
You can now include dimers, trimers, or up to a possible 9X multiple of the formula in the formula search (CLIPS or sCLIPS) to automatically model these compound variants in the spectral accuracy fit
- Fast Copy/Paste
- Copy/Paste of ASCII MS spectral data is now faster and supports larger files.
- New File/Open Progress Bar
A new progress bar conveniently keeps the user informed when opening a data file for the first time which can take from a few seconds to a few minutes. Opens after that are nearly instant.
- Other New Features and Improvements
- Improved Agilent MassHunter support for large TOF data files
- Faster and more robust calculation performance for calibration and analysis
- More efficient internal file structure for improved performance
- Better error reporting during calibration