NIST MS Libraries and software

Cerno Bioscience is an official distributor of the NIST MS libraries and the NIST software search.  The NIST GC/MS EI libraries set the industry standard for quality with almost 250,000 compounds.  The MS/MS library contains over 15,000 compounds including biologically relevant peptides.  NIST search software provides some of the most advanced search algorithms for qualitative analysis.  Cerno’s own MassWorks Rx GC/ID integrates these advanced algorithms directly for the highest quality search results.

Also, consider updating your old NIST libraries to the new and improved 2017 collection:

Major Enhancements in 2017 from 2014

  • Increased coverage and quality in all libraries (EI MS, MS/MS, and GC RI). Nearly 3x increase in MS/MS
  • New and improved search algorithms (e.g. hybrid search)
  • Upgrade discount for any previous versions


For a more information or a quote, please contact us at